Conference Time: 22nd Dec 2024, 08:42:37pm CET
Conference AgendaOverview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).
2:00pm - 3:30pm
Welcome & Registration Location: FORUM, Library & Learning Center
Women in Public Choice Networking Location: CEREMONIAL HALL 1, Library & Learning Center
3:30pm - 5:00pm
Presidential Address: Zohal Hessami Location: CEREMONIAL HALL 1, Library & Learning Center
5:00pm - 5:30pm
Coffee Break Location: FORUM, Library & Learning Center
5:30pm - 7:30pm
Conflict I Location: TC.5.01 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Constitutional Political Economy I Location: TC.5.03 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Crime I Location: TC.5.05 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Inequality & Redistribution Location: TC.5.13 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Labour Market Location: TC.5.15 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Public Sector Efficiency Location: TC.5.27 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Rent-Seeking Location: TC.5.12 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Russian War Location: TC.5.14 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
7:30pm - 10:00pm
Welcome Reception Location: FORUM, Library & Learning Center
9:00am - 11:00am
Candidates & Candidate Selection Location: TC.5.01 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Constitutional Political Economy II Location: TC.5.03 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Crime II Location: TC.5.12 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Economic Freedom Location: TC.5.14 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Female Politicians Location: TC.5.05 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Fiscal Policy Location: TC.5.13 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Media I Location: TC.5.15 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Political Economy of Innovation Policy Location: TC.5.27 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Taxation Location: TC.5.16 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
11:00am - 11:30am
Coffee Break Location: Teaching Center, 5th Floor
11:30am - 12:30pm
Keynote Speech: Ekaterina Zhuravskaya Location: CEREMONIAL HALL 1, Library & Learning Center
12:30pm - 1:30pm
EPCS Board Meeting Location: CEREMONIAL HALL 2, Library & Learning Center
Light Lunch Location: FORUM, Library & Learning Center
1:30pm - 3:30pm
Conflict II Location: TC.5.12 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Constitutional Political Economy III Location: TC.5.01 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Economic Development Location: TC.5.03 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Education Location: TC.5.05 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Electoral Rules & Voting Location: TC.5.13 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Fiscal Rules & Sustainability Location: TC.5.14 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Lobbying Location: TC.5.27 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Media II Location: TC.5.16 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Migration Location: TC.5.15 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
3:30pm - 4:00pm
Coffee Break Location: Teaching Center, 5th Floor
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Conflict III Location: TC.5.12 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Economic Voting Location: TC.5.01 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Fake News & Disinformation Location: TC.5.03 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Female Politicians & Elections Location: TC.5.05 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Foreign Aid Location: TC.5.14 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Institutions & Governnance I Location: TC.5.13 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
International Political Economy Location: TC.5.15 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Local Public Finance Location: TC.5.27 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Political Economy & Climate Change I Location: TC.5.16 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
6:00pm - 8:30pm
EPCS Members Meeting & In memoriam: Charles Beat Blankart (Friedrich Schneider & Christoph Schaltegger) Location: AUDIMAX, Teaching Center
9:00am - 11:00am
Corruption Location: TC.5.01 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Development Economics I Location: TC.5.03 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Extremism I Location: TC.5.05 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Institutions & Governance II Location: TC.5.13 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Migration & Voting Preferences Location: TC.5.15 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Political Economy & Climate Change II Location: TC.5.27 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Regime Changes & Revolutions Location: TC.5.12 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Social Media Location: TC.5.14 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Trust Location: TC.5.16 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
11:00am - 11:30am
Coffee Break Location: Teaching Center, 5th Floor
11:30am - 1:30pm
Climate Policy Location: TC.5.01 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Democracy Location: TC.5.03 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Development Economics II Location: TC.5.05 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Extremism II Location: TC.5.13 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Monetary Economics I Location: TC.5.15 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Political Cycles I Location: TC.5.27 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Political Economy of Fiscal Policy Location: TC.5.12 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Political Parties Location: TC.5.14 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Social Norms & Culture Location: TC.5.16 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Austrian Micro Data Center Presentation (Statistik Austria) Location: TC.5.01 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
EJPE Editorial Board Meeting Location: TC.5.12 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Lunch Break Location: MENSA
2:30pm - 5:30pm
Social Program (cultural visits and tours)
6:00pm - 10:30pm
Conference Dinner (Rathaus)
9:00am - 11:00am
Bureaucracies & Bureaucrats Location: TC.5.01 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Education & Social Mobility Location: TC.5.03 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Monetary Economics II Location: TC.5.12 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Political Economy of Entrepreneurship Location: TC.5.14 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Power & Representation: Theory Location: TC.5.05 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Public Policy Location: TC.5.13 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Public Procurement Location: TC.5.15 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Shadow Economy Location: TC.5.27 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
11:00am - 11:30am
Coffee Break Location: Teaching Center, 5th Floor
11:30am - 1:30pm
China Location: TC.5.01 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Donations & Public Goods Location: TC.5.03 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Political Cycles II Location: TC.5.12 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Political Values & Preferences Location: TC.5.05 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Politicians Location: TC.5.13 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Social Choice & Welfare Location: TC.5.15 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Tax evasion Location: TC.5.27 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
Turnout Location: TC.5.14 - Teaching Center, 5th Floor
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Lunch Break Location: MENSA